Sprut 2A45M 'SPRUT-B' Anti-tank gun - Military Wheels 7231
260,00 Kč
Model Sprut 2A45M 'SPRUT-B' Anti-tank gun
Armored Car of Izhorsk plant 1941 (ZIS-6) - Military Wheels 7242
310,00 Kč
Model vozidla Armored Car of Izhorsk plant 1941 (ZIS-6)
BMK-T Heavy Motor Boat (resin kit) - Armada Hobby E 72200
1 102,00 Kč
Resinový model BMK-T Heavy Motor Boat
5,5cm Flak (VG2) Gerät 58 Autom. Flugabwehrkanone - 16.02 VK35001
854,00 Kč
Model 5,5cm Flak (VG2) Gerät 58 Autom. Flugabwehrkanone