Aktivní filtry
MAZ-7910 Truck oil (gas) pipeline - PST 72080
1 414,00 Kč
Model vozidla MAZ-7910 Truck oil (gas) pipeline
GAZ-03-30 Soviet City Bus (m.1945) - PST 72083
392,00 Kč
Model vozidla GAZ-03-30 Soviet City Bus (m.1945)
S-125M 'NEMAN' Air Defense Missile System - PST 72090
1 414,00 Kč
Model S-125M 'NEMAN' Air Defense Missile System
S-300PMU/SA-10 Grumble Air Def.Missile System - PST 72055
1 121,00 Kč
Model S-300PMU/SA-10 Grumble Air Def.Missile System
S-125M 'Neva-SC' Mobile Missile Launcher - PST 72066
1 414,00 Kč
Model S-125M 'Neva-SC' Mobile Missile Launcher
Fighting vehicle for support 15V148 - PST 72070
1 219,00 Kč
Model vozidla Fighting vehicle for support 15V148
Pz.Bef.Wg.III Ausf.K with Schurzen - Border Model BT-048
1 195,00 Kč
Model Pz.Bef.Wg.III Ausf.K with Schurzen
StuH 42 Ausf.G Early Production With Full Interior - Border model BT-045
1 996,00 Kč
Model StuH 42 Ausf.G Early Production With Full Interior
German 88mm Gun FlaK 36 With SSys Wagon - Border model BT-044
1 453,00 Kč
Model German 88mm Gun FlaK 36 With SSys Wagon
Sd.Kfz.251 Ausf.D With R35 Turret - Border model BT-042
1 134,00 Kč
Model vozidla Sd.Kfz.251 Ausf.D With R35 Turret
Kugelblitz Flak Panzer IV (MK103 Doppelflak 30mm) - Border Model BT-039
1 182,00 Kč
Model Kugelblitz Flak Panzer IV (MK103 Doppelflak 30mm)
Pz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. G MID "Kharkov 1943" - Border Model BT-033
1 049,00 Kč
Model tanku Pz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. G MID "Kharkov 1943"
Kodiak Swiss Series/German Demonstrator AEV-3 Pionierpanzer (2 in 1) - Border...
1 993,00 Kč
Model Kodiak Swiss Series/German Demonstrator AEV-3 Pionierpanzer (2 in 1)
Raketenjagdpanzer Jaguar 1 (2 In 1) - Das Werk DW 35035
1 247,00 Kč
Model Raketenjagdpanzer Jaguar 1 (2 In 1)
Pz.Beob.Wg. IV Ausf. J w/ Commander & Infantry - Border Model BT-006
1 399,00 Kč
Model tanku Pz.Beob.Wg. IV Ausf. J w/ Commander & Infantry
PLA ZTZ99A Main Battle Tank - Border Model BT-022
1 727,00 Kč
Model tanku PLA ZTZ99A Main Battle Tank - Border Model
Imperial Japanese Army Tiger I with Resin commander figure - Border Model BT-023
1 299,00 Kč
Model tanku Imperial Japanese Army Tiger I w/ Resin commander figure
Panzerkampfwagen V Sd.Kfz.171 | Super Blitz - Das Werk DW 35041
692,00 Kč
Model Panzerkampfwagen V Sd.Kfz.171 | Super Blitz